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Student Life 
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Student Activities

College Psychological Station in November series of auxiliaryactivities


In order to care for the healthy growth ofcollege students' mental health, cultivate the atmosphere of class unity andcooperation, and implement the psychological counseling work, in November, theCollege psychological counseling station carried out psychological auxiliaryactivities for students of grade 2020. Under the leadership of the members ofthe counseling station, atotal of 8 classes carried out activities with theclass as the unit.


The college successfully held the fourth graduate badmintontournament


In order to enrich students' campus life,exercise their strong bodies and cultivate their enterprising spirit, thegeneral branch of the Research and Sports League of The School of Transportheld the fourth postgraduate badminton game in Zhiyuan Badminton Hall on theafternoon of November 23rd


Our school students in the 15th National College studentstransportation science and Technology competition achieved great success



Among them, our school won 1 second prize, 3third prizes and 1 excellence award. Five representative teams preparedcarefully in the competition, paid attention to feasibility and technicaldetails, cultivated their innovation ability, expanded their career, improvedthemselves in the training, and shone out the most dazzling light in thelimited time. This competition fully demonstrates the spirit of the students tofight bravely, embodies the spirit of the students of Jiaotong University tocompete bravely, I hope that more and more students will continue to move forwardin the competition in the future, to create more glory







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